Richland Co., Ohio


Tax Records

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Personal Property Taxes - Taxpayers, 1828

Montgomery Township

source:  Richland County List of Property Subject To Taxation, 1828

* If you would like more information about a particular entry on this page, please e-mail with the NAME of the taxpayer, the tax YEAR, the TOWNSHIP and the REFERENCE NUMBER below the chart.  Use the phrase "Personal Property Tax Lookup" in the subject line of your e-mail please.

* NOT presented in strict alphabetical order *

Andrews, Alanson Anderson, William Anderson, James Aten, John
Ady, Eloyd Bevans, ____ Baily, Elias Beer, Richard
Brown, Joshua Buckingham, James Braden, William Burnes, John
Burnes, Samuel Barnes, Samuel E. Brooks, Minshall Brown, Thomas H.
Baughman, Jacob Brooks, Joshua Brook, Aaron Benton, Seth
Burnes, John Jr. Callehan, Jesse Carr, Benjamin Crouse, Jacob
Carter, Daniel Carter, John Carter, William Cook, Seth B.
Cline, Jonas Cline, Coonrad Cline, Lodwick Cline, Benjamin
Cline, Jacob Carr, John Sr. Conley, Joseph Conley, James
Casebeer, Samuel Crider, John Clofson, Jane Carr, John II
Coder, Coonrad Carr, Thomas Drumb, William Drumb, Uriah
Drum, Andrew Deford, William Deford, John Downey, James
Davidson, John Deford, Thomas Deming, William M. Emens, Benjamin
Figley, Jonas Figley, Jacob Forsyth, William Fetter, John
Grubb, Jacob Gamble, Henry Grubaugh, Jonathan Graham, Francis
Gallup, Josiah Hildroth, Joseph (M.D.) Heller, Phillip Hough, Paul
Hough, John Heller, John Harvout, Jonathan Hershey, Benjamin
Hough, William Herbert, John Hull, Joseph Johnson, John
Johnson, Andrew Kent, William Kuykendall, James Kellogg, Will
Link, John Loman, Richard Lockheart, David Luther, Joel (M.D.)
Latta, William M. Loman, Richard Jr. Luther & Bostock Mackerell, Elijah
Markley, Jonathan Markley, Susanah Mickey, Daniel Mickey, Robert
Miller, Alexander Mykrantz, Christopher Myers, Samuel McNaull, John
Markley, Aaron Myers, Abraham Mozier, John G. Nelson, John
Newell, Robert Newell, Absolam Newell, Samuel Newell, Francis
Norris, Elias Oldshoe, John Oram, Thomas Odell, James
Proudfit, James Proudfit, Andrew Proudfit, John Patterson, Curles L.
Porter, Edward Quig, James Rolston, Robert Rolston, James
Riggin, James Robison, David Roller, William Riddle, Michael
Rhamy, Richard Roop, Jacob Rowland, Jonathan Springer, John
Springer, Henry Smith, Matthew Sheradden, Henry Stough, Moses
Spade, David Shaeffer, Jacob Smith, John Smith, James
Smith, Elihu Skilling, William Swaney, James Swaney, James Jr.
Slocum, Elias Swineford, Peter Swineford, John Swineford, George
Sheets, Joseph Smith, William Sparks, James Swallam, John
Sherraden, Abraham Shivel, Samuel Smith, Elijah Sherradden, Paul
Thompson, John Teel, John C. Todd, Samuel Trickle, Mary
Thomas, Michael Tudor, Benjamin Tudor, Benjamin Jr. Twifeard, Isaac
Urie, Solomon Urie, Solomon Jr. Vantilburgh, Daniel Vantilburgh, Henry
Wheeler, John Wheelr, William Wheeler, Charles Wood, Francis
Wood, Abner Wood, Abel Wilson, Samuel Wilson, James
Whitmarsh, Benjamin Whiting, Samuel B. Williams, Matthew Williams, John
White, Elisha Whetsel, David Yiesley, John -

reference number = 1828 / 9120-9131

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